I think I can speak for all of us when I say, March sucked.

Despite that though, March was also accompanied with some pretty exciting news! If you follow me on my facebook page and/or instagram (@Confessionsofarectherapy) you’d know that I hit some pretty big milestones.

On March 2nd I found out I got accepted to Brock University for a Master of Gerontology. SOOOOOO EXCITING! I was over the moon and definitely did a happy dance, or six. For someone who has dreams of getting a PhD and has her sights set on being able to teach other TR professionals, it was a big step in the right direction.

The second big accomplishment happened on March 12th when I wrote and passed my NCTRC Exam! I got my official email early the next morning and by noon my LinkedIn profile was updated to “Ashley Guay, CTRS”. I’ve been talking about writing this exam since I was in the 10th grade when I was introduced to the world of TR, so you can bet there was some more happy dances occurring… to be honest, they haven’t stopped. I’m so incredibly honoured to be joining the over 16,000 professionals in this field and seeing what amazing things we can do next!

I’ve had a couple of people ask how I can be celebrating with everything that is going on in the world though. I’ve had co-workers ask how I can still radiate positivity knowing the world “is ending”. I’ve had residents ask how I can still keep a smile on my face when for the last two weeks I’ve gone to work and home, thats it. I’ve had followers ask how I can still continue on doing what I love in such a passionate way when our calendars and schedules are being thrown to the trash. All of these questions and comments have got me thinking, that no matter how they’re phrased, my answer is always the same. I’m thankful.

At the end of the day, I have no control over anything but myself. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my bad days. I’ve lost my temper on people who didn’t deserve it. I’ve stayed up crying late at night for no reason. I’ve gotten angry about little things that really didn’t matter. I’ve been getting a little antsy having no where to go. Not everyday has been perfect. At the end of the day though, I always had something to be thankful for.

So I’m challenging you. Everyday for the next month, before you go to bed, come up with one thing you are thankful for. You can write it down, tell it to someone close to you or just simply say it in your head. The way you do it doesn’t matter but making sure you do it does. Try it for one month and see how your mindset changes, how your attitude changes, how the way you look at the world changes.

Do it with your kids, sitting around the kitchen table or right before you say goodnight. Have your husband/wife take part, right before you turn off the light. Call your mom and have her do it with you too. Right before you leave work, sit down with your co-workers and make it part of your normal routine. This is something everyone in your life can do, no age limit or height restriction. Practicing social distancing for now of course!

We spend so much of our life focusing on the negativity, focusing on what we don’t have or what we can’t do. It’s amazing how much we can change when we start looking at things a little more positively, focusing on what we do have and what we can do.

Now I know this isn’t something that comes easy, that it takes time to learn. So I want to help you get started. Below you will find a list of 100 reasons I am thankful whether it be people, moments or “things”. Feel free to steal some of these ideas, print them off, share them around, post them in your office or adapt them to make your own list.

If you’re comfortable post your daily gratitudes online, feel free to tag me in them! I want to share them, talk to you about them and help encourage a rise in gratitude.

Need some help being accountable? Feel free to send them to me and we can share our daily gratitudes together!

Without further ado, “My Gratitude List”, March 2020.

  1. The sun always rises, every single day.
  2. I am a CTRS!
  3. I am healthy (at least for the most part!)
  4. I have so many amazing people in my life
  5. My cats
  6. My dog
  7. I can drive
  8. I can afford to be in school
  9. I have clothes to wear
  10. When I go to sleep I have a roof over my head
  11. My mom
  12. Being able to learn from my mistakes
  13. Fresh Air
  14. Snow (This one is hit or miss, ahaa)
  15. Hearing the sound of rain on the window
  16. Being able to smell those fresh baked cookies
  17. Having full use of my arms and legs
  18. Being over 3 years seizure free
  19. Having a voice and being able to use it
  20. My residents
  21. Being able to afford the medication I need
  22. Having a doctor that listens to me
  23. Being able to see all the colours in the rainbow
  24. The nightly cuddles I get from my cat
  25. Being able to cry
  26. Clean water to drink
  27. Pineapple on pizza
  28. The internet
  29. Being able to write
  30. All of my followers/readers
  31. The ability to pursue my passion
  32. Long Naps
  33. Being able to look at the stars
  34. My sunglasses
  35. Shoes to wear on my feet
  36. TedTalks
  37. Food Delivery Services
  38. Paramedics
  39. Who ever invented Nutella
  40. Nutella
  41. Fresh baked brownies
  42. My faith
  43. Tattoos and piercings
  44. My ability to read
  45. The wisdom I have been able to gain
  46. The courage to share my story
  47. My recovery
  48. The TR community
  49. The friends I have never got to meet
  50. Being able to fill my belly with good food
  51. My weighted blanket
  52. Hot showers
  53. My knowledge of Powerpoint
  54. The ability to speak up
  55. The feeling of clean sheets
  56. The platform that this blog gives me
  57. Shadow Lake
  58. Long Scenic Drives
  59. Christmas lights that twinkle
  60. Ice capps
  61. People that know how to sing, ahaaha
  62. All the lessons I have learned
  63. All of my teachers who supported me
  64. My grandma, because without her I never would have found this profession
  65. Sadie for being such a huge cheerleader from the beginning
  66. The feeling you get while paddling a canoe
  67. Mother nature
  68. Living in a free country
  69. Light houses
  70. Clothes that keep me warm when its cold
  71. Making snow angels and a snowman
  72. Taking walks outside
  73. People who listen when I speak
  74. inhaling and exhaling
  75. Hand written cards/letters
  76. Bookmarks so that I never lose my place
  77. Netflix & Disney+
  78. Google
  79. Being able to be a shoulder to cry on
  80. Sangria
  81. People with big personalities
  82. Youtube and its endless content
  83. Everything that I’ve been able to learn about history
  84. My thumbs because they never get enough credit
  85. My GPS that keeps me from constantly getting lost
  86. The people in my life who make an effort to stay in touch
  87. Holidays!!
  88. Airplanes that can take you wherever you want
  89. My brain and the way I think
  90. The days my eyes look really blue
  91. My crazy curly hair
  92. Co-workers that know when to offer support
  93. Learning to be my own hero
  94. Inspiring words that help to guide, lift and support me
  95. All the children I have had the pleasure of watching grow
  96. My neurologist
  97. Finding money when you reach into a coat pocket
  98. Hugs
  99. Sushi
  100. Being able to breathe

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough”